(032)260-1365 slmcbogo@ciccebu.edu.ph
to the highest ideals in the continuing pursuit of quality Christian and Vincentian Education.
RESPECT FOR HUMAN DIGNITY: Reverence for every person and concern for promotion of life,
human rights and total human development.
RESPECT FOR GOD'S CREATION: Reverence and care for God's creation and promotion of
ecological sustainability.
ADVOCACY OF PERSONS WHO ARE POOR: Love of and preference for the poor as to orient the
entire community in favor of the poor/persons in poverty situations; readily working for truth, justice
and peace at all times; consistently living simple and transparent lives in relationships and chosen
careers; observing social responsibility and accountability in the classroom, in the community and in the
workplace; including a passion that engenders caring, compassionate life witnessing in human communities,
among fellow citizens and within the church.
SIMPLICITY: Love of and living out of truth and freedom, honesty and transparency in
relationships, living a modest and simple lifestyle in solidarity with the less privileged.